My Love Affair with Eugene Debs, Socialist candidate for POTUS
My love affair with Eugene V. Debs began when I encountered the quotation below. I did not even know there was a Socialist candidate for President of the United States. And I was an honors student in...
View ArticleA Love Song, Not a Diary
Today I found myself writing re: unstructured immigration: I hate authoritarian solutions. Why do Folks think top-down solutions work?. When the news hit that an immigration sweep was going to take...
View ArticleWarning! This Diary has No Redeeming Social Value.
After I got done laughing at and making filthy jokes about the Sanford sexual debacle, Larry Craig’s ‘wide stance’ and Vitter’s diaper daze, it seemed there was a brief pause in the sexual soap opera...
View ArticleDefeating Religious Authoritarians
The thing to do with these Folks, if you want to remove them from your own life and from the body politic, is call them on their weird sexual habits. They seem to believe that their opinion about my...
View ArticleSocial Workers are not The Enemy
I write this in response to two diaries: workers have a hard job. They are called upon to do hard things that would be difficult for anyone...
View ArticleTime to Go to the Mattresses?
I despise the expression 'the culture wars.' The WAR this time is being waged on Gays and Women (oh so sexyfied Sexies who ought to just get with the program that sex is destiny). The concept applied...
View ArticleMourning Murder and Mayhem
I just did not know what to do with myself. It is that time of year in North America. It is gray. It is cold. I had the Blahs. I was just drifting along, aimless as the breeze. I could not think of...
View ArticleThe Practical Limitations of Government or Dance Like It Is 1975
"Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable." - Finley Peter DunneI am comfortable. I feel pretty safe in my Little Hovel. I tend to think of my government as helpful, for the most part.Because I...
View ArticleA Brief Manifesto on Resisting Religious Authoritarians
I smack the stuffing out of Religious Authoritarians, in a Friendly fashion of course. I have gotten good at it. I consider that God has sent me to save them. As Father Lonigan says in The Quiet Man,...
View ArticleGender Confusion
I am experiencing gender confusion. Think of it: Celibate, PolyAmorous, Asexual, Lesbian, Gay, BiSexual, TransGender, Intersexed, Queer.I have been all these things (at one time or another) whenever a...
View ArticleEric Cantor Mon Amour
I just have to say it. I have fantasies about Eric Cantor. Some might call it lust. He gives me Fever.I long to give him the bitchslapping of his pampered little life, the bitchslapping he so richly...
View ArticleTwat do you say? Taint listening.
There is another Tempest in the Progressive Teapot. Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat." This time the orange pekoe tsunami comes from the front page and the pen of Kaili Joy Gray (one of the...
View ArticleGod? !@#$%
My friend, unitarianuniveralist asked me in an email "So exactly who or what is God to you." This IS Unitarian Jihad! I am Sister ICBM of Love. am a Fool. I am going to talk...
View ArticleHa ha ha ha ha.
My Mojo keeps disappearing and those following my Diaries keep increasing in number.Laughing my ass off.
View ArticleObama Steps Up to the Plate Bigtime
No one seems to have reported about this event. My daughter Jessica brought it to my attention. I think this is a very big deal. have been angry at Obama and the Democrats...
View Article"White" and Gone for the Week
I am a Labor Democrat. I never crossed a picket line in my life. See ya; I would not want to be ya right now.The "purge" was adolescent and authoritarian in conception to begin with IMO. What the...
View ArticleChild Abuse: What Religious Authoritarians Want for Your State
This will be a short diary. And a most decidedly unfunny diary. I am appalled and beyond disgusted by what Religious Authoritarians approve of and plan for the children of America. What is it about...
View ArticleWherein I End the Abortion Debate
Given the conditons on the ground in the War on Women, I thought I would republish my little Manifesto. I beg the indulgence of those who have read it before.There is nothing to 'debate.'My ova, my...
View ArticleThe Girl with the Pink Hair
I live with my daughters, the Viper Girls. Both girls are in their Terrible Twenties now. Mayhem and chaos.My oldest, Jessie, has some juicy acquaintances. The girl with the pink hair is one of them....
View ArticleA Suggestion for my Fellow FemiNazis in Michigan - A Manifesto
I write political Manifestos because they are quick and dirty and they get the job done. Follow me below the Orange Swirly if you care to read mine. I do not flatter myself that I am as important or...
View ArticleInterNet Blackout Protest
I feel like a dummy. I did not notice this protest. Did Daily Kos participate? I do not recall the site being black. Maybe I missed the relevant diaries?Please, Powers that Be, do not take my Internet...
View ArticleBoundaries
I did not want to come here. Why? One of the reasons is that you are all too fricking nice. And I said that out loud a number of times. I can be quite rude and I don't mind.The Universe/God (take your...
View ArticleI have no words for this. And I am wordy.
The child sexual abuse scandal has reached the Pope. As a lapsed (bigtime lapsed) Catholic, I am at a loss to describe my feelings and thoughts. I am in mourning. I am jubilant. I am crying now. I am a...
View ArticleNaomi Wolf Scares Me
Naomi Wolf has done an excellent job of scaring the beejesus out of me. I link to an article of hers in The Guardian so you can read all about what scared me. I am just going to post the two paragraphs...
View ArticleRapin' Tod Akin offers Sharia Law to Missouri. Can Claire McCaskill save Us...
This is happening in Morocco. Moroccans are rethinking their penal code. Are the Republicans planning to adopt it? demand change to Islamic penal code after...
View ArticleWhose Religious Liberty?
All health insurance plans in America must now provide contraception to women with no copay. For free. The article at the link below discusses political efforts the Roman Catholic Bishops are making to...
View ArticleThe Connie Ferrara Method for Strength and Self Improvement (or) Whatever...
There were a lot of self improvement groups happening in Princeton NJ in the Eighties. I attended one such group at the Unitarian Church and met Connie Ferrara. Connie was devastated and completely...
View ArticleShort yet decidedly not Sweet
Has a diary about rape or sexual abuse (not including ones about Sandusky which everyone enjoyed to the max) ever made it into the Community Spotlight or the Recommended?Da bip da bip da bip . . ....
View ArticleRANT - It is the SIN, Stupid.
I dropped into Raw Story, which I often do because the conversations are lively there. Raw Story posters are smart and funny. Management does not moderate real people or real language out of existence....
View ArticleA Basket for the Polka Queen
There are about 600,000 Folks in Philadelphia who think of themselves as Polish. All those good Folks like to eat good Polish Food. I am going to tell you where I find it.I even buy for my Mother, the...
View ArticleFun and Drugs
This is a short diary. Please sign this petition to drug test Congress. I think it should start with Steve King and Darrell Issa. And the second link is the funniest site on the Net. Trust me. You will...
View ArticleGiving Thanks where Thanks are Due
I give thanks for a place to publish this diary and for every person who may read it.I say a profound Thank You to everyone who voted in the recent election. Think of waiting eight hours in line to...
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